Scaffido Family Journal

Welcome to our family journal! For those of you who would like to view our 'Journey to China,' start with reading the August posts. Our day-by-day journal takes place in November. Other posts since then include updates and family photos. We hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Day 3 - Chongqing - GOTCHA DAY!!

Well, the day has finally arrived, and we are so happy to introduce you to Hannah Yuyan!! She is absolutely beautiful!!

The day started with a trip to the bank. After we searched for the past month to find perfect money to pay the fees, it turned out we just had to bring it to the bank and exchange it for RMB, anyway. The bank, however, was an experience!! They had to inspect each hundred dollar bill, even though most of them were brand new! There were three of us exchanging money, and it took about an hour to

After lunch, we drove around the city a little, then went to the Chongqing Register's Office. When we got off the elevator, we saw three babies in walkers, and knew right then they were ours! They were all very active, rolling around the foyer drawing attention to themselves. They traveled to Chongqing from the Qianjing orphanage this morning, about a 6-7 hour drive. They were all dressed very well, in cute little fleece outfits. They did look a little warm, though.

While I was completing some of the paperwork, and paying the cashier, Darese and some of the others wandered over to play with the babies. They were eventually introduced to their daughters. Since there were only three babies, only the director of the orphanage came with one or two others. Typically, there would have been more nannies along to help out. We did get to meet the director, and she is very nice. We could tell she cared a lot for these kids.

We're heading out the door now for dinner, so I'll try to write more later, but here are some photos for now....Enjoy!

Joe, Darese, and Hannah


  • At 11/07/2005 06:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, My God, She is beautiful!!!! The picture of Hannah going into Darese's arms made me cry. I am so happy for you. Congratulations, Mom and Dad!!

  • At 11/07/2005 06:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ohhhhhh! we are all smooshed arounhg the computer with watery eyes looking at your new baby girl! oh my gosh - you are right - she is the most perfect little person. we can't wait to give her a kiss. maddie is standing here saying " my baby!" "my baby!" - ut oh - alex may have some competition.

    we have been keeping a close eye on Alex. the first day after you left he got off the bus and said "did mommy and daddy get hannah yet?", and seemed to be looking all around for you. but besides that, he seems happy and content. he got right on the bus, and was excited to go to syracuse with nonna.

    we'll keep in touch. so happy for you all. you probably kept that baby up all night kissing her and cuddling her, and now you are ready to sleep!- paul and maria

  • At 11/07/2005 08:29:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations! She is BEAUTIFUL! And you all look wonderful together.
    Anu, Joe, and Nina

  • At 11/07/2005 08:54:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a great way to start a Monday morning at work! She is gorgeous and I can NOT wait to meet her!! I am so happy for all of you!



  • At 11/07/2005 09:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations Joe and Darese!! She is so beautiful! I'm so excited for the both for you and your family. She is so cute! What a wonderful way to begin the holiday season!

    Thanks for sharing your awesome news! I hope to meet Hannah soon and to see you both soon. Safe journey back to the States! Anna Banana

  • At 11/07/2005 09:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just figured out how to leave a comment----gosh, these computers are amazing!!!! Anyway, my new little grandaughter is beautiful!!! That sounds so nice! And she's looking at you like she's known you forever. I can't wait to hold her in my arms. You should have heard the neighbors at the bus stop---they all had tears of joy
    I didn't log on before Alex left for school, because I wasn't sure I'd have time---but I'll sign on again when Alex gets home so he can see his little baby sister!!!
    God Bless You All,
    Love, Mom

  • At 11/07/2005 09:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    CONGRATULATIONS! She is beautiful. I can't wait to get Grace home so we can have our first play date! Let me know if you have any free time to read an email from me asking the hundred questions I have. Our travel dates are finalized -11/26-12/7!

    Erin and Joe Lore

  • At 11/07/2005 10:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I saw and "angel" today and her name is Hannah!!! GOD BLESS....
    Love Grandpa Carm....

  • At 11/07/2005 11:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    CONGRATULATIONS!! YEAH!!! what a little doll! Nothing like coming into work, opening my e-mail and crying right off the bat! So much for the makeup! :) Oh she just looks so teeny tiny in your arms but she looks so happy... if she only could grasp the concept of what kind of wonderful future lies ahead of her! It's absolutely amazing!!! We are so happy for you guys!! With all our love, Aunt Angela, Uncle Jim and Cousin Kirsty
    XOXOXO Hugs and Kisses!!!!!!

  • At 11/07/2005 12:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! She IS beautiful! Looks just like her Dad! The pictures are so special, and she seems so content to be with you. It was meant to be. We wish you a wonderful trip home, and we can't wait to see you all together. God bless you for your generous hearts. She is one lucky little lady! Take care.

    Jim and Laura

  • At 11/07/2005 01:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You have almost changed my mind of not having children!!! We did say that if we were ever going to have kids, we would adopt. Hannah is such a beautiful baby. She is incredibly cute.

    Events like this have always brought me mixed emotions. It is sad to see that such beautiful babies were abandoned through difficult circumstances, yet it is also grateful for me to see parents like you. I hate to sound "geo-political," but what you have just done is much more than adopting a baby. Throught this very personal and individual act of yours, you have brought two great nations closer, and two great peoples closer.

    As you know, I am so pleased not only you have traveled to, but also have made a difference for, my native land.

    Thank you!!!


  • At 11/07/2005 03:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Hannah is absolutely beautiful.
    Wish we could hold her and spoil her right now.

    Love Dad and Irma

  • At 11/07/2005 08:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i spent all day thinking about you, knowing you had to have gotten hannah by now. she is absolutely beautiful!
    can't wait to see her/spoil her/snuggle her... and can't wait to see you guys and alex, too!
    love you!

  • At 11/07/2005 09:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just want you to know Hannah is also seen and loved in Germany. My sister and brother in law can't get over how beautiful she is.
    They send Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family.
    Love to you all and a very safe trip home.

    Love Irma


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