Scaffido Family Journal

Welcome to our family journal! For those of you who would like to view our 'Journey to China,' start with reading the August posts. Our day-by-day journal takes place in November. Other posts since then include updates and family photos. We hope you enjoy!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Joe in China...and at the same time!!

For those of you who know me, you know that I’ve always bragged about having the greatest job in the world, with the best students and colleagues. Well, on Sunday 11/13 EST, there was a concert at Cornell – Collective Soul and Lifehouse. I was really sad not to be able to be there with them, especially since this was the last concert for the current executive board, and the first show I’ve missed since beginning my job at Cornell 9 years ago.

While checking my email messages this morning (China time), I was pleasantly surprised to see some photos from the show, with me there!! I even got to meet one of the bands!!

Thanks, so much, to everyone for thinking of me, and including me in the show!!


Me with the guys from Lifehouse. I've been working out....

With our agent Mike, and his fiance who, ironically, just moved to the U.S. from China.

Keeping an eye on things (I really wish they would have found a better picture of me!! But actually, this is freakishly the way I look on concert days).

With our caterer, Kerry. I hope I ate okay!! It sure doesn't look like I missed any meals!!


  • At 11/14/2005 09:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How fortunate you are! You not only have a beautiful family----but terrific co-workers as well!!!


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