HOME!! Safe & Sound!!

We arrived in Ithaca around 3:30 Wednesday afternoon. Surprisingly, all of our flights were on-time, or even a little early. A lot of people have not had good experiences with Northwest Airlines, but I have to say that we were both quite impressed with the trip and NWA. The meals were all actually pretty good (it seems like all we did was eat and drink), service was great, our luggage made it everywhere on time and in one piece, and we made all of the flights on time

When we arrived in Ithaca, we were happily greeted by our welcoming committee, made up of Alex, my parents, Uncle Pete, and our good friend Jenn who offered to take pictures for us (Thanks, Jenn!!).

We came home to a decorated house, complete with a "Welcome Home Hannah" banner across the front porch. The banner also included hand prints from friends and family, and a paw print from Maggie, our next door pooch. It was very cute, and it really made us feel that much better being home. My colleagues from my office also sent a basket with a huge teddy bear, along with nice gifts for us, Hannah and Alex.
Today (Thursday) we got Alex on the bus, and spent most of the day unpacking. Hannah is doing well, but like us, is still trying to get adjusted to the time change. She slept okay last night, only getting up a few times to eat. Last night, my mother cooked d

We all greeted Alex when he got off the bus this afternoon, and a few of our neighbors came over to meet Hannah for the first time. It was great seeing everyone, and they are all so good to our family!!
So, Darese and I have started a list of things we REALLY missed while we were in China (besides our family and friends, of course). Things that we take for granted every day, but weren't able to enjoy for the past two weeks. Here it is:

- The ability to take a shower without having to worry about getting water in your mouth.
- The ability to brush your teeth without having to use bottled water.
- The ability to go to the water faucet to get a drink of water in the middle of the night (okay, you see where I'm going with this.....)

- We certainly won't miss seeing things-on-a-stick at vendor booths on the streets.
- Food that wasn't taken out of the tank and killed 20 minutes before we ate it.
Well, I guess that's it for now. Our plans are to relax for the next few weeks, and maybe start putting up our Christmas decorations right after Thanksgiving. Darese starts back to work part time in mid-December, and I'll start back part time in mid-January, so if all goes well, we'll be able to start Hannah in daycare February 1. We're planning on being at my parents for Thanksgiving, so if anyone will be there, we'll look forward to seeing you there!! Until then, best wishes!!
Joe, Darese, Alex & Hannah
At 11/18/2005 01:10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Welcome Home ! O.K. so this is the first time I've been on here ( total computer idiot that I am ), glad I finally found you. You did a great job with your posts and photos. Very excited for you guys, can't wait for Thanksgiving.
Will try and get this up on the computer at home so Cinnamon and the kids can see it ( heck, I'll just let the kids get it on the computer - they can run it much better than I ever will ) .
Cousin Joe
At 11/19/2005 12:53:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Welcome home! You have no idea who I am, but I am a friend of Joe's cousin Steve Bianco. My husband and I are just finishing up our paperwork with our adoption agency. If all goes well we will be on our way to China in August or September! It has been GREAT to read about your trip. I wish our plane left tomorrow!
Best of luck to you and your beautiful new family.
God Bless you all!
At 11/19/2005 03:08:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone and welcome home.
Thank you for updating us with more pictures of your arrival back home. Alex greeting and kissing his new Sister is just precious.
Enjoy Thanksgiving, we sure have a lot to be thankful.
Love Dad and Irma
At 11/21/2005 02:23:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
WOW!!!! All the pictures and travels loook and sound wonderful. We can't wait to see all of you at thanksgiving. Take care, love cinnamon
At 11/29/2005 12:32:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations again on Hannah and I love reading about your adventure! Enjoy your new baby girl and getting settled in.
At 12/06/2006 11:34:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
congragulations hannah you are a lucky girl and you deserverer all of it
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